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Version: 3.0.0



No deductions are made for any misses in speed or multiples events.

Single ropes must be turned in a forward motion, whereas Double Dutch ropes must be turned counter clockwise with the right hand and clockwise with the left hand.


For speed events, judges count the first completed right foot jump and each additional alternating right foot jump.

If an athlete misses and the judge recognizes they counted the jump the miss occurred on, the judge will resume counting on the right foot jump once the athlete completes a right foot jump, followed by a left foot jump. If an athlete misses at the end of an event and a judge has not yet taken off a jump, they will deduct one jump from the final score.

Double Unders

For double unders, judges count each jump where both feet land simultaneously after the rope has passed under the feet twice, while completing two forward vertical rotations around the body.

If an athlete misses and the judge recognizes they have counted the double under the miss occurred on, the judge will resume counting again on the second double under following the miss. If an athlete misses at the end of an event and a judge has not yet taken off a jump, they will deduct one jump from the final score.

Consecutive Triple Unders

For triple unders, judges count each jump where both feet land simultaneously after the rope has passed under the feet three times, while completing three forward vertical rotations around the body.

Once an athlete has completed one triple under, judges stop counting when the athlete either stops, misses, or completes any skill other than a triple under.

If an athlete misses before completing 15 triple unders, they will have one more attempt at starting the event. If the athlete decides to continue with a second attempt, the scores will be reset (not recorded) and the athlete is committed to the score of the second attempt.

30 seconds after the start of the event, the athlete is no longer eligible to begin the event or start a second attempt and the judges must not count any triple unders performed by the athlete.

Time the judges take to get ready or reset their counters is not counted against the athlete’s 30 seconds. However, if an athlete misses before the 30 second call-out and the judges are not ready to start again before the 30 seconds call-out, the athlete is allowed to start immediately after the judges are ready, even if that is after the 30 seconds call-out.