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The competitions

The IJRU world championships series is made up of the competitions International Open Tournament (IOT), Junior World Championships (JWC), Senior World Championships (WC), and Show Competition (SC).

Double Dutch Contest

In partnership with the Japan Double Dutch Association (JDDA), the Double Dutch Contest 2021 will be colocated with the IJRU 2021 series, run by and using the rules of the JDDA.

All competitions are single-round except the Senior World Championships, which has a two-round structure. Athletes compete in the first round (preliminaries) to determine the all-around and for a spot in the final round. The winner of the final round (finals) will be the world champion(s).


Gender categories

For team events the gender categories are defined as follows

Female genderall female
Male genderall male
Mixed genderat least one male and one female
Any genderany combination

Please refer to the current IJRU gender policy for guidelines on gender categories.

All single-participant events have a female gender category and a male gender category.

Except as noted below, all team events have a female, male and mixed gender category. In the mixed category, at least one female and one male athlete must compete in each event the team competes in. Failing to fulfil this criterion will disqualify the team from the gender category and if applicable, the All-Around and/or affected Overall.

The Show Competition and Double Dutch Triad events have an "any gender" category, with no requirement on the gender of the athletes. A team may consist of athletes of one gender only or of athletes of different genders.

There must be 4 or more entries from 2 or more countries in an event gender category for the event to be competed in that gender category. If an event has a gender category that fails to fulfil this requirement it will be combined or cross-ranked. The preferences of combining or cross-ranking gender category in order:

  1. Male → Mixed
  2. Mixed → Female
  3. Female → Mixed

Combining entries

If two gender categories both do not have enough entries, they will be combined and ranked together, and rank will be awarded across all of the competitors in the combined gender categories.

If the combined gender category still doesn't meet the requirement, the combined category is cross-ranked.

Cross-ranking entries

If one gender category has enough competitors to compete but another one does not, the larger gender category is ranked and awarded as normal, but the smaller gender category is ranked combined against the larger group and only competitors that place against the combined ranked entries will be awarded. The combining to create the cross-rank is done once for the whole category, not once for every entry.


If the Male gender category has the following results for a Single Rope Speed Sprint Event


It needs to be cross-ranked, since it has fewer than 4 entries, despite having 2 countries.

The Mixed gender category it will be cross-ranked against has the following results


They would be combined and ranked to determine the cross-rank for the Male gender category as follows


And the following medals would be awarded:

  • Mixed
    • 1st: D - Antarctica
    • 2nd: E - Iceland
    • 3rd: F - Greenland
  • Male
    • 2nd: A - Iceland
    • 3rd: B - Greenland

Age groups

Ages are determined based on the athlete’s age as of December 31 in the year of the competition. The competitors will be entered at their age as of this date. Ages will be verified against government issued documents during accreditation.

International Open Tournament

The International Open Tournament is a one-round, competition run parallel to the World Championships. The International Open Tournament has the following age groups: 12-15, 16-18, 19+, 30+. For team events the team qualifies for the age category the oldest athlete of the team entry. This means that athletes can compete up across any age categories in the International Open Tournament. The exception is the 30+ age category where all athletes must be 30+. Athletes over the age of 30 can compete down in 19+ if they choose.

Junior World Championships

Competitors in the Junior World Championships must be no younger than 12 and younger than 16 by the designated competition age cut-off date.

World Championships

Competitors in the World Championships must be 16 or older by the designated competition age cut-off date with the following exception:

For team events, at least one member of the group must be 16 or older. The remaining member(s) must be at least 13 or older. Athletes aged 13-15 entering team events in the World Championships won’t be allowed entry in the same event(s) in the Junior World Championships


In the future, the ability for athletes under 16-years of age in the World Championships may be reduced or eliminated.

Show Competition

Competitors in the Show Competition must be no younger than 12 by the designated competition age cut-off date.

Team Composition

A team competing in any team overall (TSRO, TDDO, TCAA) may consist of 4, 5, or 6 athletes. No divisions will be made based on team sizes.

An athlete may only compete in one overall/all-around team per overall type.

For entries into individual events the team may consist of the number of athletes the event requires.


These events will be competed in the Junior World Championships and World Championships, the events included in the International Open Tournament will be chosen based on available time and space.

It is not allowed to compete in the same event in different competitions of the IJRU World Championships series.


An athlete cannot compete in Single Rope Speed Relay in both the IOT and WC, or be part of a Team Single Rope Overall Team in both the IOT and JWC.

Events competed individually

Event NameAbbreviationTimingAthletes
Single Rope Speed SprintSRSS1×30 seconds1 athlete
Single Rope Speed EnduranceSRSE1×180 seconds1 athlete
Single Rope Triple UndersSRTUNo time limit1 athlete
Single Rope Individual FreestyleSRIF0-75 seconds1 athlete

In the Junior World Championships Consecutive Triple Unders (SRTU) will not be competed.

Events in the Individual Single Rope Overall (ISRO)

Out of the events detailed under Events competed individually, the following are selected for the Individual Single Rope Overall.

  1. Single Rope Speed Sprint (SRSS)
  2. Single Rope Speed Endurance (SRSE)
  3. Single Rope Individual Freestyle (SRIF)

The same athlete must compete in all three events to qualify for the Individual Single Rope Overall

Events competed in teams

Event NameAbbreviationTimingAthletes
Single Rope Speed RelaySRSR4×30 seconds4 athletes
Single Rope Double Unders RelaySRDR2×30 seconds2 athletes
Double Dutch Speed RelayDDSR4×30 seconds4 athletes
Double Dutch Speed SprintDDSS1×60 seconds3 athletes
Single Rope Pair FreestyleSRPF0-75 seconds2 athletes
Single Rope Team FreestyleSRTF0-75 seconds4 athletes
Double Dutch Single FreestyleDDSF0-75 seconds3 athletes
Double Dutch Pair FreestyleDDPF0-75 seconds4 athletes
Double Dutch Triad FreestyleDDTF0-90 seconds5 athletes
Wheel Pair FreestyleWHPF0-75 seconds2 athletes

In the Junior World Championships Double Dutch Triad Freestyle (DDTF) will not be competed.

Events in the Team Single Rope Overall (TSRO)

Out of the events detailed under events competed in teams, the following are selected for the Team Single Rope Overall.

  1. Single Rope Speed Relay (SRSR)
  2. Single Rope Double Unders Relay (SRDR)
  3. Single Rope Pair Freestyle (SRPF)
  4. Single Rope Team Freestyle (SRTF)

Each team member must compete in at least one of these events to qualify for the overall.

Events in the Team Double Dutch Overall (TDDO)

  1. Double Dutch Speed Relay (DDSR)
  2. Double Dutch Speed Sprint (DDSS)
  3. Double Dutch Single Freestyle (DDSF)
  4. Double Dutch Pair Freestyle (DDPF)

Each team member must compete in at least one of these events to qualify for the overall.

Events in the Team All-Around (TCAA)

  1. Double Dutch Speed Relay (DDSR)
  2. Double Dutch Speed Sprint (DDSS)
  3. Double Dutch Single Freestyle (DDSF)
  4. Double Dutch Pair Freestyle (DDPF)
  5. Single Rope Speed Relay (SRSR)
  6. Single Rope Double Unders Relay (SRDR)
  7. Single Rope Pair Freestyle (SRPF)
  8. Single Rope Team Freestyle (SRTF)

Each team member must compete in at least one of these events to qualify for the all-around.

Events in the Show Competition

Event NameAbbreviationTimingAthletes
Show FreestyleSCTF0-360 seconds8-20 athletes

Event awards

In the events and categories detailed under Events, the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd ranking athletes or teams are awarded. The 1st ranking athlete(s) will be awarded the title IJRU World Champion(s) for that event or category. Awards are handed out separately for every division.

Awards for the categories (ISRO, TSRO, TDDO, and TCAA) will be awarded based on the results of the World Championship All-Around/Preliminary round. Awards for the individual events will be awarded based on the results of the World Championships Finals, as detailed under Registration and qualification process.

Registration and qualification process

Qualification for World Championships Finals

The top 6 athletes/teams in every event in the World Championships all-around/preliminaries (first round) qualify for the World Championship Finals.

Re-competing the SRSE 1x180 or SRTU Triple Unders events in Finals will be optional for athletes who qualify. Athletes who qualify will have 15 minutes after the qualifiers are announced to decide whether they will re-compete either or both events in the Finals, or whether they choose to keep their qualifying score instead. The athlete, and the national head-coach (or head of delegation) will have to provide a signature confirming the choice(s) that they have made. Once the declaration is made, the decision is final, and changes will not be allowed. Any athlete who chooses to re-compete an event will be expected to do so.

Any athlete who withdraws ("scratch") from one of these events after deciding to re-compete will be disqualifying themselves from that event, and their qualifying score will not be considered in the results to decide the winner.