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Version: 3.0.0


There are instances when athletes may be eligible to recompete. This includes:

  • Speed score outside the margin of error (3 jumps) and:
    • Video replay unavailable and the 2 closest judges’ scores are not within 3 jumps
    • Video replay available, but there is a technical issue
  • Broken ropes
  • Music failure

The Tournament Director is responsible for scheduling all opportunities to recompete and in specific instances will need to decide whether or not athletes are eligible to recompete. For broken ropes and some music failures, athletes are given an option to recompete.

Speed score outside the margin of error

If a speed score is outside the margin of error, the head judge will notify the tournament director. The tournament director will use the following procedures depending on whether video replay is available.

Video replay unavailable

The tournament director will notify the coach or team representative who was present in the coach’s box, who will then wait with the tournament director until the second attempt has been scheduled. The coach or team representative who was present in the coach’s box will be responsible for notifying the athlete(s) about when they will recompete.

The athlete(s) will be given a minimum of 10 minutes between attempts and the score of the athlete(s)’ second attempt will be their final score.

Video replay available

The tournament director will ensure that the event is recounted off the competition floor while the tournament continues by a separate replay judge panel. The athletes do not receive a second attempt.

The replay judge panel will continue to score the event until at least 2 judges get a score within 3 jumps. This score will be used to calculate a final, total speed score.

Video issue

If a video recount is not possible for speed, and the video recount is needed, due to a technical issue such as the camera not recording the event properly, a file accidentally being deleted, a judge obstructs the view of the camera, or the camera ran out of space or power, the tournament director will notify the coach of record and the athlete(s) will be given an opportunity to recompete the event.

If the athlete(s) or coaches obstruct the view of the camera and a recount is not possible, the head judge from the replay judge panel should notify the tournament director. The tournament director will notify the coach of record that the athlete(s) will receive the original score.

Broken rope

If an athlete’s rope breaks unintentionally during an event and the majority of judges agree the rope is broken, the athlete will be given one additional attempt to compete the event successfully. However, once an athlete leaves the station, they can no longer claim a broken rope. A broken rope includes but is not limited to:

  • Frayed wire
  • Rope separating from handle
  • Snapped rope
  • Broken handle (that impairs its use)
  • Any breakage that halts the functionality of the rope.

If a majority of judges agree there is a broken rope, the head judge (in speed) or the floor manager after consulting the judge panel (in freestyle), will notify the tournament director immediately.

The tournament director will notify the coach or team representative who was present in the coach’s box, who will then wait with the tournament director until the second attempt has been scheduled. The coach or team representative who was present in the coach’s box will be responsible for notifying the athlete(s) about when they will recompete.

If unavailable, the tournament director will notify the coach on record, national head coach or head of delegation. The coach will have 5 minutes to decide whether to recompete the event.

If they choose not to recompete, they will be given the original judges’ scores. The athlete(s) will be given a minimum of 10 minutes between attempts if they choose to recompete and the score of the athlete(s)’ second attempt will be their final score.

If the rope breaks again on their second attempt, they will not be given another chance to recompete the event, but they may bring an additional (set of) rope(s) into the station for their second attempt to use if their rope breaks again

For Single Rope events one extra rope per athlete is allowed, for Double Dutch and Wheels one extra set of ropes is allowed. For team events, the team only gets 2 attempts regardless of which athlete’s rope breaks. This means that one athlete’s rope could break in the first attempt and a different athlete’s rope could break in the second attempt, but they will still only receive 2 attempts.

Music failure

If the music fails during an event, the athlete(s) should continue the event without music. After the event, the floor manager will notify the tournament director. The tournament director will consult with the music operator to determine if the issue was caused by the equipment playing the music. If so, the athlete(s) will be given the opportunity to recompete the event.

The tournament director will notify the coach or team representative who was present in the coach’s box, who will then wait with the tournament director until the second attempt has been scheduled. The coach or team representative who was present in the coach’s box will be responsible for notifying the athlete(s) about when they will recompete.

If unavailable, the tournament director will notify the coach on record, national head coach or head of delegation. The coach will have 5 minutes to decide whether to recompete the event.

If they choose not to recompete, they will be given the original judges’ scores. The athlete(s) will be given a minimum of 10 minutes between attempts if they choose to recompete and the score of the athlete(s)’ second attempt will be their final score.

If the wrong music is played, compared to what the athlete(s) submitted, they should stop their routine within 5 seconds. If they can provide the correct music within 10 minutes, they will be given the opportunity to recompete the event. No recompetes will be given if the athlete(s) have submitted the wrong music.