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Version: 4.0.0


For speed and multiples events, the Head Judge will notify the Tournament Director immediately if an athlete is eligible to recompete. Athlete(s) are eligible to recompete in the following instances:

  • If the 2 closest judges’ scores are not within 3 jumps and the tournament does not have video replay
  • Broken ropes
  • Interference or sabotage

If video replay is available for the tournament and the judges are outside the allowed margin of error described above, the speed entry will be recounted from the video and the athletes will not recompete. The Head Judge should still notify the Tournament director if the scores does not fall within the allowed margin of error, to speed up the process of video replay.

For freestyle events, the Technical Judge will notify the Tournament Director immediately if an athlete is eligible to recompete. Athlete(s) are eligible to recompete in the following instances:

  • Broken ropes
  • Interference or sabotage

There may be instances when athletes get to recompete events based on a decision by the Tournament Director. When this happens, judges should score the event based on the relevant judging rules.

Broken rope

If an athlete’s rope breaks unintentionally during an event and the majority of judges agree the rope is broken, the athlete will be given one additional attempt to compete the event successfully. However, once an athlete leaves the station, they can no longer claim a broken rope.

A broken rope includes but is not limited to:

  • Frayed wire
  • Rope separating from handle
  • Snapped rope
  • Broken handle (that impairs its use)
  • Any breakage that halts the functionality of the rope.

If the rope breaks again on their second attempt, they will not be given another chance to recompete the event, but they may bring an additional (set of) rope(s) into the station for their second attempt to use if their rope breaks again. For Single Rope events one extra rope per athlete is allowed, for Double Dutch and Wheels one extra set of ropes is allowed.

For team events, the team only gets 2 attempts regardless of which athlete’s rope breaks. This means that one athlete’s rope could break in the first attempt and a different athlete’s rope could break in the second attempt, but they will still only receive 2 attempts