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Version: 4.2.0

Calculating the ranking

Speed events

The entry with the highest result (RR) is ranked first (rank 1). The entry with the second highest result is ranked second, (rank 2) and so on.

In the case of a tie, where a number of entries (mm) have the same result (RR) which would result in the rank (nn). All those entries are awarded the same rank (nn). The next best result (RR) is ranked with rank plus the number of entries in the tie (n+mn + m). For example, if 3 entries (m=3m = 3) have the same speed score and rank 4th, they all get ranked fourth (rank 4). The entry with the next score gets ranked seventh, (rank 7) since nn is 4 and mm is 3 their sum is 7 (4+3=74 + 3 = 7).

Freestyle events

The entry with the highest result (RR) is ranked first (rank 1). The entry with the second highest result is ranked second, (rank 2) and so on.

In case of a tie, where multiple entries have the same result (RR), the entries will be further compared based on their deduction score (MM). The entry with fewer deductions is ranked first.

If this does not resolve the tie, the entries with the same result, and deduction score will be further compared based on their Required Elements score (QQ). The entry with fewer missed required elements are ranked first.

If this does not resolve the tie, the entries with the same result, deduction score, and required elements score will be further compared based on their presentation score (PP). The entry with the higher presentation score is ranked first.

If this does not resolve the tie, the entries with the same result, deduction score, required elements score and presentation score will be further compared based on their difficulty score (DD). The entry with the higher difficulty score is ranked first.

If this does not resolve the tie and there are mm entries with the same result, deduction-, required elements-, presentation-, and difficulty score, which would result in the same rank nn, all those entries are awarded rank nn. The next best result (RR) is ranked with rank n+mn + m.

DDC performance events

The entry with the highest result (RR) is ranked first (rank 1). The entry with the second highest result is ranked second, (rank 2) and so on.

In the case of a tie, where a number of entries (mm) have the same result (RR) which would result in the rank (nn) it will be resolved differently based on the rank where the tie appears.

For entries ranking 4th or lower (5th, 6th, etc.), all those entries are awarded the same rank (nn). The next best result (RR) is ranked with rank plus the number of entries in the tie (n+mn + m).

For entries ranking 1st to 3rd the entries in the tie will be compared as follows:

  1. The entry with the higher surprise bonus score (BsB_s) will place higher.
  2. If the above does not resolve the tie, the average base score SS for each for each judging category (Jumper, Turner, Expression, and Staging) is calculated (using a "plain average", not the IJRU averaging rule) so that 4 scores between 0 and 10, one for each category is obtained. Looking at the highest of these scores for all entries in the tie the one that has the best highest score in any category will rank highest.
  3. If the above does not resolve the tie, the entry that has the highest score calculated in point 2 in the most categories will rank highest.
  4. If the above does not resolve the tie, looking at the second highest of the scores calculated in point 2 for all entries in the tie the one that has the best second highest score in any category will rank highest.
  5. If the above does not resolve the tie, the entry that has the second highest score calculated in point 2 in the most categories will rank highest.
  6. If the above does not resolve the tie, the entry point 4 and point 5's second will be considered as third and fourth.
  7. If the above does not resolve the tie, the judges will vote and the team with more votes will place higher
  8. If the above does not resolve the tie, the team the head judge voted on will place higher
  9. If the above does not resolve the tie, the judges will have a discussion and make a final decision

If 4 entries have the same number of surprise, jumper, turner, expression, staging, and mistake deduction points, then the entry placement cannot be determined up through 6. If the vote results in 7. are 3, 3, 3, 1, then according to 8., only the highest placing entry would be determined.

Example where two entries where the surprise bonus score is the same:

Entry A:
Jumper scores: 9, 9 => 18 points
Turner scores: 9, 8 => 17 points
Expression scores: 9, 9, 9 => 27 points
Staging scores: 8, 8, 7 => 23 points

Each component score is scaled to a score between 0 - 10:

Jumper score: 9
Turner score: 8.5
Expression score: 9
Staging score: 7.67

The entry's highest score is 9, and the number of 9's received was 2.

Entry B:
Jumper scores: 9, 9 => 18 points
Turner scores: 9, 8 => 17 points
Expression scores: 9, 9, 8 => 26 points
Staging scores: 9, 8, 7 => 24 points

Each component score is scaled to a score between 0 - 10:

Jumper score: 9
Turner score: 8.5
Expression score: 8.67
Staging score: 8

The entry's highest score is 9, and the number of 9's received was 1.

The tie cannot be resolved through (2), but through point (3) entry A will place higher.

Overall results

The winner of the overall competitions is determined by the sum of their ranks in each event. The winner will have the lowest rank sum. For example, if an athlete places rank 1, rank 2, rank 3 in their three events, the sum of their ranks is 6 (1+2+3=61 + 2 + 3 = 6). (the rank sum is called TT)

When calculating the ranks for the component events of an overall, only entries competing in the overall should be taken into account.

In the Individual Overall Competition, the rank for the Single Rope Individual Freestyle get multiplied by 2 before adding it to the rank sum.

In case of a tie, the scores for each event are recalculated into a normalised score to preserve the differences between the scores while still making the events play an equal role in the result.

The highest score in an event gets a score of 100, the lowest score gets a score of 1.

To convert a result (RR) into a normalised score, the highest score of the competitors in that event entered into the Overall is called RmaxR_{max}, the lowest score is called RminR_{min}, the normalised score is called NN and the following operation is performed for each entry:

N=(1001)(RRmin)RmaxRmin+1N = \frac{\left(100 - 1\right)\left(R - R_{min} \right)}{R_{max} - R_{min}} + 1

In the Individual Overall Competition NN for Single Rope Individual Freestyle is multiplied by 2 to give freestyle a simulated equal impact as speed.

The normalized scores for all the events are then summarized into a total normalized score, the tie breaker (called BB) The athlete/team with the highest total normalized score is ranked first in the tie, the second best total normalized score is ranked second and so on.