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Presentation Judges in Show Freestyle Events are divided into two sets, like other Freestyle Events. These judges make marks (+, ✓, -) throughout the routine but at least every 2 seconds.

Athlete Presentation - Form and Execution

Form and Execution will be evaluated as described in Freestyle Presentation in addition to the matrix below.

Form and Execution (Technicality)
- Basic✓ Average+ Excellent
Formations are minimal and/or lines are not in alignmentSome variety in formations, mostly straight lines in formationsMultiple different formations; lines are spaced well and straight
Little or no effort made by athletes to use the floor. Display a lack of skill with movements on the floorAthletes use the floor space fairly well and movements are performed at a moderate paceAthletes use the floor space exceptionally well. Movements on the floor are smooth and quick

Athlete Presentation - Style

To judge style, judges should look at how the athletes in the routine executes their part of the performance and connect to the audience.

Form and Execution (Technicality)
- Basic✓ Average+ Excellent
Inappropriate/distracting facial expressions and body languageFacial expression shows inward concentration and lack of eye contact. Behaviour/body language neither detracts from nor adds to the overall performance.Facial expressions and body language are appropriate and professional, including but not limited to natural smiles and eye contact
Costumes/uniforms detract from the performance and do not fit with the music and choreographyCostumes/uniforms neither detract from nor add to the overall performance.Athletes use their costumes/uniforms to improve the overall performance and enhance the musicality and choreography of the routine.
Displays a lack of confidence, no effort made to connect with the judges and audience. Behaviour on the floor detracts from the routineAthlete may perform a strong routine and have moments of connecting to their intended audience but has moments of obvious inward concentration and lack of connection.Strong showmanship and stage presence. Professional behaviour shown during the routine

Routine Presentation - Entertainment

Entertainment will be judged according to Freestyle Presentation

Routine Presentation - Musicality

Entertainment will be judged according to Freestyle Presentation