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Version: 4.2.0

Calculating Single Rope freestyle scores

Single Rope freestyle scores are based on a cumulative difficulty model where presentation, required elements, and deductions can affect the score.

Difficulty (DD) is calculated by adding the points from each skill performed. There is no limit on the total difficulty score.

Presentation (PP) increases the score by a percentage of the difficulty score calculated from the presentation marks (+, and -).

Required elements (QQ) will take off a percentage from the total score.

Deductions (MM) take off a percentage for misses, breaks, and time and space violations.

The result/routine score (called RR) is obtained by multiplying the difficulty score (DD) with the presentation score plus 1 (PP), the required elements score (QQ), and the deduction score (MM). The result cannot be lower than 0.

R=D×(1+P)×Q×MR = D \times (1 + P) \times Q \times M

The calculation for each of these scores is described in the following sections.


There is no maximum difficulty score. The difficulty score is the average of the sum of skills per difficulty judge type.

The points per level can be calculated with the following formulas where xx is the level of the skill L(x)=0.1×1.5xL\left(x\right) = 0.1 \times 1.5^x rounded to two decimal places. However, a level 0 skill is always worth 0 points.


The point values per level 0-8 skill are:

Points per skill0.

The score of every difficulty judge is calculated by multiplying the amount of skills recorded at that level by that judge (called nxn_x, where xx is the level) with L(x)L\left(x\right) for each level, and adding the results (called sxs_x) for each level together, (the resulting sum is called dt,jd_{t,j} , where jj is the judge number and tt is the judge type, P, M, or R. This means multiples judge 1 is called dM,1d_M,1, rope manipulation judge 2 is called dR,2d_R,2, etc.)

s1=L(1)×n1s2=L(2)×n2dM,1=n=1x=s1+s2+...+sx\begin{aligned} s_1 &= L(1) \times n_1 \\ s_2 &= L(2) \times n_2 \\ d_{M,1} &= \sum_{n = 1}^{x} = s_1 + s_2 + ... + s_x \end{aligned}

All difficulty judge' scores for each type of difficulty judge are then averaged together according to the averaging rules, the result for each judge type is called dtd_t where tt is the judge type, P, M, or R.

After this, dPd_P, DMD_M, and dRd_R is averaged together to get the difficulty result DD:

D=dP+dM+dR3D = \frac{d_P + d_M + d_R}{3}


The presentation score may impact the difficulty score by a total factor of Fp=60%=0.60F_p = 60 \% = 0.60

The scores from the first step for each of the five categories (Musicality, Form/Execution, Creativity, Entertainment, and Variety/Repetitiveness) are collected from each judge and for each category the number of plus marks (called nt,j,plusn_{t,j,\text{plus}}) is added to 12 after which the number of minus marks (called nt,j,minusn_{t,j,\text{minus}}) and misses recorded by that judge (called mjm_{j}) are subtracted, the result (called jt,jj_{t,j} where jj is the judge number and tt is the category) is rounded to an integer larger or equal to 0 and smaller or equal to 24. For example:

jM,1={012+nM,1,plusnM,1,minusmj02412+nM,1,plusnM,1,minusmj2412+nM,1,plusnM,1,minusmjotherwise\begin{aligned} j_{M,1} &= \begin{cases} 0 & 12 + n_{M,1,\text{plus}} - n_{M,1,\text{minus}} - m_{j} \le 0 \\ 24 & 12 + n_{M,1,\text{plus}} - n_{M,1,\text{minus}} - m_{j} \ge 24 \\ \lfloor 12 + n_{M,1,\text{plus}} - n_{M,1,\text{minus}} - m_{j} \rceil & \text{otherwise} \end{cases} \end{aligned}

After this, the number of (integer) steps the judge want to adjust the preliminary category score (called at,ja_{t,j} which is a positive or negative integer) is added to jt,jj_{t,j} and clamped again. The result of this is called pt,jp_{t,j}. For example:

pM,1={0jM,1+aM,1024jM,1+aM,124jM,1+aM,1otherwise\begin{aligned} p_{M,1} &= \begin{cases} 0 & j_{M,1} + a_{M,1} \le 0 \\ 24 & j_{M,1} + a_{M,1} \ge 24 \\ \lfloor j_{M,1} + a_{M,1} \rceil & \text{otherwise} \end{cases} \end{aligned}

Each of the category scores are then multiplied by the following factors and summed together for each judge to get a total score between 0 and 24, the result of which is called pjp_{j}.

  • Entertainment: 0.250.25
  • Form/Execution: 0.250.25
  • Musicality: 0.200.20
  • Creativity: 0.150.15
  • Variety/Repetitiveness: 0.150.15

All the judges' pp scores are then averaged according to the averaging rules and scaled to a number between 00 and 2Fp2F_p by multiplying it by 2Fp24=0.05\frac{2F_p}{24} = 0.05, the result is the final presentation score called PP.

Required elements

Each missed required element may impact the score by a factor of Fq=2.5%=0.025F_q = 2.5\% = 0.025

For each difficulty judge, the number of missing required elements for their judge type is calculated by looking at the 6 highest difficulty marks recorded by each judge, and then subtracting the of number those of skills performed at a level 3 or higher (called n3+n_{3+}), and 0.5 times the number of those skills performed at a level 2 or lower (called n2n_{2-}) from the number of required elements for that judge type (called Nq,tN_{q,t} where tt is the judge type), with a minimum result of 0. This number is called aq,ta_{q,t} where tt is the judge type, P, M, or R. For example

aq,M=max(Nq,Mn3+0.5n2,0)a_{q,M} = max\left( N_{q,M} - n_{3+} - 0.5n_{2-}, 0 \right)

For competition events with pairs interactions, the number of missing required elements are calculated by subtraction the number of marks recorded by each technical judge (with difficulty level playing no part) (called nn) from the number of required pairs interactions (called Nq,tN_{q,t} where tt is I for interactions), with a minimum of 0. The number is called aq,ta_{q,t} where tt is the required element type: I. For example

aq,I=max(Nq,In,0)a_{q,I} = max\left( N_{q,I} - n, 0 \right)

For each judge type/required element, the aq,ta_{q,t} scores are then averaged according to the averaging rules, and rounded to a whole number. The result is called qtq_t.

All the q-scores are summed and multiplied by FqF_q, the result of which is subtracted from 1 to be converted into a factor, the result is called QQ (Q=1Fq×(qM+qP+qR)Q = 1 - F_q \times \left( q_{M} + q_{P} + q_{R} \right) or Q=1Fq×(qM+qP+qR+qI)Q = 1 - F_q \times \left( q_{M} + q_{P} + q_{R} + q_{I} \right)).


Time and space violations will impact the score by a factor of Fv=5%=0.05F_v = 5\% = 0.05​ each.
Breaks will impact the score by a factor of Fb=5%=0.05F_b = 5\% = 0.05.
The first miss will impact the score by a factor of Fm,1=5%=0.05F_{m,1} = 5\% = 0.05, the second miss by a factor of Fm,2=7.5%=0.075F_{m,2} = 7.5\% = 0.075 and the third miss and onward will impact the score by a factor of Fm=10%=0.1F_{m} = 10\% = 0.1.

The average number of misses recorded by all judges counting misses are calculated according to the averaging rules. This average is called ama_m​ and is rounded to a whole number. ama_m is then turned into the miss score mm as follows: if ama_m is 0 then mm is 00, if am=1a_m = 1 then m=Fm,1m = F_{m,1}, if am=2a_m = 2 then m=Fm,1+Fm,2m = F_{m,1} + F_{m,2}, if am>2a_m > 2 then m=Fm,1+Fm,2+(am2)×Fmm = F_{m,1} + F_{m,2} + (a_m - 2)\times F_{m}​.

Or, in one formula:

m=(Fm,1×min(am,1))+(Fm,2×clamp(am1,0,1))+(Fm×max(am2,0))\begin{aligned} m = &\left( F_{m,1} \times min\left( a_m, 1 \right) \right) \\ &+ \left( F_{m,2} \times clamp\left( a_m - 1, 0, 1 \right) \right) \\ &+ \left( F_{m} \times max\left( a_m - 2, 0 \right) \right) \end{aligned}

The average number of breaks are calculated and called aba_b​ this average is also rounded to a whole number, the factor FbF_b​ is then multiplied with aba_b​, the result is called bb​. (b=Fb×abb = F_b \times \lfloor a_b \rceil​)

The average number of additional violations (time and space) are calculated and called ava_v​ this average is also rounded to a whole number, the factor FvF_v​ is then multiplied with ava_v​, the result is called vv​. (v=Fv×avv = F_v \times \lfloor a_v \rceil​)

The misses (mm), breaks (bb) and violations (vv) are summed together and subtracted from 1, the result is called MM and cannot be lower than 0. (M=1(m+b+v)M = 1 - \left( m + b + v \right))


The result/routine score (called RR) is obtained by multiplying the difficulty score (DD) with the presentation score plus 1 (PP), the required elements score (QQ), and the deduction score (MM). The result cannot be lower than 0.

R=D×(1+P)×Q×MR = D \times (1 + P) \times Q \times M