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Version: 4.0.0


False Starts

A false start occurs if an athlete’s rope begins a rotation before the start signal.

A false start results in a deduction from the score. See Calculating speed and multiples scores for deduction values.

All judges need to watch for and report false starts to the head judge following the heat. A majority of judges must agree that a false start occurred for the athlete(s) to receive a deduction.


If a false start occurs, all judges are still required to count the event.

False Switches

In team speed or multiples events, a false switch may occur if an athlete’s rope begins a rotation, or if an athlete takes the ropes from a turner or enters the ropes before the signal to switch sounds.

Each false switch results in a deduction from the score. See Calculating speed and multiples scores for deduction values.

All judges need to watch for and report false switches to the head judge following the heat. A majority of judges need to agree on the number of false switches that occurred in an entry.

During a Single Rope speed or multiples event with more than one athlete, when the switch beep occurs, judges immediately stop counting the prior athlete and start counting the next. Any extra jumps by the prior athlete after the beep are not counted but also not penalized.

For Double Dutch Speed Relay (DDSR), the following turning and jumping order must be followed:

  1. A and B turn for C, who is facing B
  2. A and C turn for D, who is facing A
  3. D and C turn for B, who is facing C
  4. D and B turn for A, who is facing D

Judges should not count any jumps that are not performed in this manner.

Space violations

A space violation occurs any time part of an athlete’s body touches the ground outside of the competition boundary.

A space violation can also occur if anyone in the coach's box enters the competition boundary, or fully leaves the coach's box.

A team may receive a space violation for any team member competing in the entry who commits a space violation, including members of the team who are competing in the entry but not actively jumping at the time of the space violation.

During a space violation, the judges must stop counting, and the head judge must verbally notify the athlete(s) that they are out of bounds.

Judges resume counting once the athlete(s) have re-entered the competition area.

An athlete cannot receive an additional space violation until they have successfully completed a counted jump within the competition area.

If a space violation interferes with, obstructs, or impedes an opposing athlete/teams’ rope(s), the head judge will award a re-jump to the affected athlete/team. The affected athlete/team can decide if they wish to accept the re-jump or submit their current score. They must notify the head judge of their decision before leaving the competition floor.


For DDC speed events, each time the athletes perform actions which disturb or inhibits the judge's ability to judge the event the judges will record an obstruction and a deduction will be made from the athlete's score.